Lavender & Ylang Ylang


Lavender and ylang-ylang work together harmoniously to support hormonal balance and emotional well-being in women.

Lavender - Can help with hormonal balance as symptoms associated with menstruation or menopause. Its calming effect can help women emotionally regulate during their cycle by reducing irritability and anxiety. Lavender is also used to help reduce acne, eczema, or dry skin as it has many ant-inflammatory properties.

Ylang Ylang - Can also have a balancing effect on hormones which can help with mensturation or menopause. Ylang Ylang is also known for its aphrodisiac properties and can be used to enhance libido to create a more sensual atmosphere. Ylang Ylang also is a great option for individuals with oily skin as it can help balance oil production and improve overall skin appearance.

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Lavender and ylang-ylang work together harmoniously to support hormonal balance and emotional well-being in women.

Lavender - Can help with hormonal balance as symptoms associated with menstruation or menopause. Its calming effect can help women emotionally regulate during their cycle by reducing irritability and anxiety. Lavender is also used to help reduce acne, eczema, or dry skin as it has many ant-inflammatory properties.

Ylang Ylang - Can also have a balancing effect on hormones which can help with mensturation or menopause. Ylang Ylang is also known for its aphrodisiac properties and can be used to enhance libido to create a more sensual atmosphere. Ylang Ylang also is a great option for individuals with oily skin as it can help balance oil production and improve overall skin appearance.

Lavender and ylang-ylang work together harmoniously to support hormonal balance and emotional well-being in women.

Lavender - Can help with hormonal balance as symptoms associated with menstruation or menopause. Its calming effect can help women emotionally regulate during their cycle by reducing irritability and anxiety. Lavender is also used to help reduce acne, eczema, or dry skin as it has many ant-inflammatory properties.

Ylang Ylang - Can also have a balancing effect on hormones which can help with mensturation or menopause. Ylang Ylang is also known for its aphrodisiac properties and can be used to enhance libido to create a more sensual atmosphere. Ylang Ylang also is a great option for individuals with oily skin as it can help balance oil production and improve overall skin appearance.